星期四, 四月 16, 2020

Article for English writing exam in college

昨天找教师合格证的时候突然翻出了大学时候写作课考试时写得一篇文章,得分倒不低,老师点评说"Very dramatic!",看了一下觉得还有点意思,考试的时候,脑子真不知道怎么想的,居然写了这样一篇东西交上去了,倒是一气呵成的……

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As I returned to my small apartment in the 19th street, it was already dark.I leaned the umbrella against the wall and went into the living room. Sally was in the sofa, watching TV, she was having her day off. "Is it still raining?" she asked.

"Yes, and rather chilly."

"Oh, London always has so much rain," she turned off the TV and came to help me putting the food into the fridge,"Mike called, said he would come tonight."

"Thanks, and would you make the dinner? I need to take a shower, I'm wetting all over."

“No problem."

Sally and I were roommates, we've been living together for three years. Three years ago I came to Britain from China to study as a postgraduate. The rent there was