星期三, 一月 27, 2016
星期六, 一月 23, 2016
星期五, 一月 22, 2016
星期四, 一月 14, 2016
Life is short, make the best of it.
今天吃晚饭的时候,遇到一对来自英国的老夫妻。他们卖掉了英国的房子,在Alicante买了个小农庄,过起了悠闲的日子。今天是太太70岁的生日,所以来马德里玩玩,顺便吃点好的。老爷子以为我和Andy是couple,他问我“你怎么会嫁给他的?我晓得,他一定是百万富翁对伐?” ,场面感人。相谈甚欢,道别时,老爷子对我们说:“ Life is so short, you should enjoy and make the best of it.” 老爷爷,我知道的,尤其经过了昨天,我更知道。
星期三, 一月 13, 2016
The transitory of life
Everyday is the first day of the rest of your life. Everyday could be the last day of your life.
A flash back
Just had a serious flash back on something you will not forget, and you can never do again with anyone else.
星期三, 一月 06, 2016
星期日, 一月 03, 2016
星期六, 一月 02, 2016
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